the truth is i am a big fan of Manchester United since i was 12years old. and semua org tau yg MU and Liverpool were enemies for soo long. but weirdly i didn't hate Liverpool at all. (okay fine, maybe just a bit) tp mmg susah nk jumpe la kan fan MU xbenci Liverpool and also mmg payah nk jumpe gak fan Liverpool yg xbenci MU. the question here is why should we curse each other disebabkan MU n Liverpool neh?? i used to know a person who hates MU so much sampaikan i can't even talk about bola dgn die. (obviously because i'm one of the MU fan and he's on Liv's side) and  it's getting worst bila ade game MU lwn Liverpool. it's such a torture to me to hear all of the curses from him about MU team. hey, i am a BIG fan okay. why can't he just respect that every person dlm dunia ni ade kesukaan masing2? why can't he just accept that? but i know not all of the Liverpool's fan are like that. contoh paling simple is my bestest friend. she's also one of Liverpool's fan but still we can be best friends. haha. of course la mase tgk bola kitorg akan support team masing2 but we respect each other la kan. she and i will always be the enemies for 90minutes but that's it. after that jdk best friend balik la. no need la nk kutuk2 what so ever ni. sometimes jdk kesian plak dkt fans yg die hard yg asek dok kutuk2 team lwn. doesn't matter la fans of which team. (fan MU pon ade gak yg melampau kutuk team laen) actually, it doesn't give them any benefit pon with all of the kutuks-mengutuks neh. buat org laen panas dalam je. so, the conclusion is.....kalo nk minat tu boleh tp berpada-pada la. jgn buat org lain sakit ati ngn all of our statements. oh, by the way, i wanna apologize for all of the statement i've made yg maybe ade yg buat korg xpuas ati or sakit ati. and maybe aku penah kutuk team lain esp Liverpool, so, i'm sorry okay. i'm just a human who always made so many mistakes in this life. peace. *kenyit2*

p/s: i wrote this after the game which MU kalah 2-0 to Liverpool...:(

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